Ever felt that way? I am thinking enough already, I am on day 15 of being sick. Mainly my head, stuffy ears, nose, heavy head.

A friend mentioned something to me about a neti pot friday night, what was this crazy thing she was talking about? I was so desperate Saturday, I texted husband number one and asked if he would stop and get me one. O M G what a life saver, although I am still sniffly I have relieved all the pressure. This is a miracle worker. My baby girl used it yesterday and was just beside herself how well it works. You can get them just about everywhere, I definitely recommend you get one. Use it for colds, allergies, etc... AMAZING
For those of you wondering, I am still married to husband number one. He is still husband number one but to his defense, he has not been able to make up Valentine's because of me being sick. However he still has a chance to redeem himself as my birthday is coming up very shortly. I know he will go back to being my sweet husband, but I could keep him on his toes with the husband number one title. So I may stick with it, at least for reference purposes.
I was giddy yesterday. I belong to a test group of party hosts, basically you pick a party you may be interested in hosting for new product line, and they send you the supplies. You invite your friends, they get to try the new products and they get coupons, samples, goodies. I get a small token of appreciation for hosting the party. It really is a win win situation. I am hosting a party next weekend to sample the new Philly Cooking Creme. I will have recipes showcasing each new flavor. They sent me a box of goodies, I was not expecting what I found inside. Not only did they send amazing coupons, notepads, magnets, and wooden spoons for all the guests, they sent me a wonderful oven mitt and get this... a new GREEN SKILLET. I am just beside myself, can I get a woooohoooooooooo. See for yourself:
Our new series at Church is on marriage, last week we got the "sex" talk, Pastor Hampton did a wonderful job. You can watch to all the sermons online. He really is an amazing speaker on God's truth. This week was Pillow Talk, Pastor Armstrong took this one over since Pastor John was out of town. I just love him, he has so much wisdom and knowledge. It is a privilege having him as a leader. The whole time with the title of the sermon, I could not help but think of Doris Day. The movie Pillow Talk is one of my favorites. My daughter, Abi, and I just watched it a couple of weeks ago.
Our life group just finished the 5 Love Languages, and we are doing a group study on our Sunday Marriage Series. Pillow talk was on good communication between a husband and a wife. You can not just talk in a marriage, you have to listen as well. Husband number one and I have been married almost 24 years. We have learned the hard way that if you do not communicate properly, you can not have a heathy marriage. James 1:19 says "Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry". And that is especially true in a marriage. I am blessed to be able to pass that along to other couples, our wisdom, heartache and hope. "Been there, Done that" And if we do not share it, it was for nothing. I refuse to believe that our marriage troubles were for nothing, because our marriage something!! I am a blessed woman to have the love of husband number one. See for yourself:
Danny and I at our daughter's wedding
This picture captured the love we have, it means a great deal to me.
Our small group has a private group on facebook, yesterday I sent them one word: Cheesecake. Husband number one sent one word back, Mine. But in the end (relentlessly), he shared. I hope you enjoy it as much as we all did. Blessings to you for a wonderful day!!
Berry Good Cheesecake:
4 cups vanilla wafers
3/4 cup pecans
1 stick melted butter
2 tsp vanilla
3-4 (depends on the size of your pan) packages cream cheese
1 1/2 cup sugar
4 eggs
1/2 cup sour cream
1 1/2 cups blackberries (you can substitute blueberries, raspberries or strawberries)
6 packs splenda (or 1/4 cup sugar)
if using fresh blackberries 2 tbsp of water, frozen no extra water is needed
various fresh fruit
Preheat over to 350*
Place wafers and pecans in food processor and pulse until crumbly, Mix melted butter and vanilla together and slowly pour mixture into crumbs while on low. Mixture will stick together when pinched.
Crust in food processor
Press mixture into spring form pan , evening it out, it will come up the sides slightly.
Crust in Pan
Mix together cream cheese and sugar until creamy. Add eggs one at a time, mixing thoroughly between. Add sour cream, mix until well blended.
Filling in Mixer
Pour mixture onto crust.
Bake for 1 hour. Turn oven off let sit for an additional 15 minutes.
In oven cooling
Remove from over and let cool for appx an hour.
For topping, put berries and sugar in small sauce pan on medium, let boil slightly until mixture thickens. Pour over cheesecake, still in pan. Put in fridge for min of 2 hours to several hours.
Take out of fridge, run butter knife around inside rim and release spring. Place on plate and enjoy. You can get 16 slices out of this, but for a more generous portions, 12.
Berry Good Cheesecake Recipe: Berry Good Cheesecake
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