Monday, July 28, 2014

Being Glammy

When the kids first got married, I had told them I did not want to be a grandma for a long time. Afterall, I don’t look like a grandmother, I certainly don’t act like a grandmother and at my 29 years, I am not old enough to be a grandmother ;)

Then after a couple years or so, I really really really was ready for a new little life in our family. Not that they needed it but I gave them my blessings to get started. Ok, Ok… What I did was buy a baby dress and booties and posted the pictures on facebook and tagged them. Telling them either they fill them or I would!

Little did I know, they had already been discussing it. They had bought a house and was ready to fill the extra bedroom.

I knew I didn’t want to be the average grandmother given all my reasons above. I am not a grandmother, I AM GLAMMY! I went through many names, gave them much thought. I bounced Duchess around but Sweet Man said if I was Duchess then he wanted to be called His Lordship. So Duchess was out. No other name sounded like I feel. Being a grandmother isn’t a time to sit back and mildew, you can shine! Anyone who knows me, knows that Glammy is the only choice for me to be called.

Being Glammy has been the MOST rewarding feeling I have ever had. I have moments of just singing to our sweet little guy and tears feel my words. Tears of love that is indescribable. Knowing the hope for the next generation. The chance to do for your grandchildren the things you didn’t know how to or couldn't for your children. It is the love of seeing your baby with her baby. You KNOW how they feel in those sleepless nights, the wonders of “am I getting this right”.

I could not imagine a more rewarding job than being a wife and mother. Not until now, Being Glammy is like hitting the jackpot!
Our little man is 3 months now, we can’t help but think of how fast time is going. 

At the same time, we look forward to what the future holds. His future is in all of our hands. It is up to us to preserve the traditions, love and hope in him. 
I am so honored I get to Be Glammy!

Make sure you like my facebook page to keep up 
with me Being Glammy

and head over to his Mommy’s new page and see what he and his mommy are up to

And being Glammy always needs a little help, just out my new business and see some of my secrets that makes being Glammy easier and more beautiful!

Peace Love and EnJoy!!

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