I HATE crowds, I hate
rude people, I hate fighting over something. With that being said, I LOVE
spending time with my girls. That is what Black Friday means to me. It is not
about the TVs, Game Stations or Games. We do not set out with any expectations
on merchandise, the only expectation is that we are going to have a great time
together and we are going to most defiantly laugh at someone else’s expense.
Usually the laughs come at seeing others get mad, upset or impatient.
We started our
“tradition” 4 years ago. Prior to that, I had only Black Friday shopped once,
and what I saw just made me sad. My girls were still small enough that we
shopped at the big chain toy store. I got up at 4 am, went to the store and
stood in a line that was already at least 100 people long. I looked over at the
Large Chain Electronic store and the line was wrapping around the building with
at least 200 people in that line. When I first got there, I saw someone I knew
up ahead and went to talk to them. I was greeted by others with pure
nastiest, they were assuming I was butting in line. After waiting an hour, I
got inside. I saw people grabbing and running and yelling. I don’t even remember what I
went for but I do remember that I left without buying a thing. I washed my
hands on Black Friday or so I thought.
That was until the
girls wanted to go. We made a rule that there was NO expectations! That if it
got stressful we would just come home. We head out around 6am. Turns out we
have a mall by us that has fell into a slow painful death. A death that they
have brought onto themselves. In the mean while, it is the first stop on our
Black Funday! We are able to hit the major mall stores and get everything we
want without lines or crowds. And for every $100 your spend , you get a free
$10 visa gift card. Win win!!
The rest of the day is spent just doing whatever
we want. Most times we end up at the High End Mall in Orlando and watch the
people. We also hit up our favorite box store with a great big Target! Great
deals, lots in stock and the 5% savings on Red Card. Win Win. Again, No
expectations. Lunch has been a local Mexican Restaurant, never busy because it
is not in the middle of the shopping district.
By the time we roll in
at 9-10pm, we are wiped out. My feet are throbbing, back hurting, wallet a
little bruised but my heart is happy. It has become a tradition that the girls
and I have so very much enjoyed and I am blessed.
Let me offer a few
Don’t shop on
Thanksgiving Day, if we ban together and say NO, the retailers would not have a
reason to be open and families would be together. NO amount of savings is worth
the time you (or the workers) miss with your family. After all, in 5 years, will
you remember what you bought? But you will have the joy of knowing you were
with those you loved and workers did not miss time with theirs because of you
NO expectations
Plan your route, hit
the stores you want to purchase something important to you first
If you get upset,
leave, it is not worth it
Take the back roads to
avoid the traffic
If you know what
stores you are going to, google printable coupon for the store and I betcha you
will be able to print one or several.
Split your orders up
and use more than one coupon
Hit stores in low
crowd shopping areas
Rest Often, don’t
pressure yourself or anyone you are with
Have fun, smile at
people, you may be the only smile they get that day!
Peace, Love and EnJoy
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