Thursday, August 8, 2013

Hats off!!!!! I mean ON!!!!

Original posting April 2011 
As most of you know, I was in Guatemala for 10 days with my baby girl (don't tell her I said that, she is 17) and a group of wonderful people from our Church . It was an amazing opportunity. We to help put a roof on the dormitory for Faith In Action. If you get a moment, check them out. Think about becoming a sponsor, donate, visit.... as we did....

A group of 19 of us went. Most had never been on a mission trip before. What an experience. The bonding, the love, the completion, indescribable. The motto of our church is Love God, Love People, Serve the World. We sure did that in those 10 days. Check out some of the memories (click on any of the pictures for a larger view):

Mi Amigo

Roof Top one of the first days

Abi and I on the roof

Some of the children in the village of Matasano

Collecting offerings

Abi saying goodbye

"Well Done Good and Faithful Servants"

Our Group with some of the School Children

I hope these pictures speak what I am trying to say.  As I sit here, I can not help but tear up thinking what an impact we had in those short few days. There are so many organizations we can all help out in some way. What is stopping most of us? If we are honest, it is selfishness. We (I included) are too busy, too tired and sometimes just too lazy to help. If you only knew the rewards, you would make an effort. I am glad we made that effort and I pray we continue doing these great adventures. Abi and I thank everyone who made it possible for us to participate in this extraordinary, life changing opportunity. Now get off the recliner and do it!!!

On the complete opposite side of our mission trip, today was the Royal Wedding. Oh how glorious and exciting to be there!! Not that I would know, but I am sure it was. I however am just in such envy of all of those hats, every kind of hat imaginable. I LOVE hats, I am not talking about baseball caps. I am talking about genuine hats: Bonnets, Berets, Fedoras, Panamas, Pill Box (Doris Day wore them so well), Sun Hats, Straw Hats, Cowboy Hats, Cloche, Cocktail Hat. You get the idea. I love them, if anyone has any they want to pass along, I am your girl. Send them right to me and you will know they will be adored and appreciated. Here is a sampling of me and my hats:

Tea Hat

Straw Hat

Bonnets I have made

Me and my bonnet I made

So you guessed it, I LOVE hats. I loved seeing everyone at one event wearing their hats. Hat's off to Hats!!!!

I will be back in the swing of things, I have some great recipes to share from a recent tea I hosted. Many blessings to you all!!

Peace, Love and EnJoy

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